Our specialized treatment approaches
(Institute of Physical Art, https://instituteofphysicalart.com)
An approach integrating Manual therapy, Therapeutic exercise and Functional Movement as well as patient education.
Functional Movement is simple, yet complex. It is our every-day type of motion; therapists call these ADLs. Walking, squatting, kneeling, hands and knees, transitioning from lying to sitting. Some times due to injury or illness or pain, our body develops inefficient ways of moving or compensating. This is especially common after a back injury or sciatica. Our deep abdominal muscles, which should fire automatically before we even move, need to be reawakened. After knee or hip surgery, our quadriceps atrophy very quickly, and need help to regain not just full strength, but coordination and control.
With manual therapy, including Myofascial release, we free up restrictions not allowing the muscles to contract and our tendons to glide. Once we have that moving, we work on using the new range of motion and teaching our body to move in-to it again. Gains made with passive stretching (although can relieve pain temporarily) do not last and are not functional.
The therapist and the patient are a team, and our therapists wish to empower their patients to maintain their gains long after their therapy session. Active participation in therapy is a requirement, and will lead to long term gains.

PRI is an integrated approach which views the body as a whole. It is innovative and science based.
We are conditioned to thinking of our bodies as symmetrical. And they are not.
It may take a while for your perception to change, but starting in our internal organs, such as our heart, liver, lungs and diaphragm, we are different on the right side and on the left side. We are all one sided dominant. So, we use and live in our bodies in a patterned way. Sometimes, when we cannot reverse the pattern and we get stuck, we have pain.
PRI is a system of recognition of our patterns, weaknesses and strength and learning to balance our two sides, by doing what is called, reciprocal motion.
This technique on its own is wonderful. Combined with our other approaches is amazing.

What we offer
Getting you back in shape.

Myofascial Release
MFR is a 2 hands on technique. The therapist uses her hands to sink deeply into the body, feel for tension or restriction and using therapeutic pressure

Functional Manual Therapy and Postural Restoration
An approach integrating Manual therapy, Therapeutic exercise and Functional Movement as well as patient education.

Flexible and Functional Orthotics
PRI Orthotics are shoe inserts that change the mechanics of the feet and lower extremity to correct foot function.

Benefits of Acupuncture with Physical Theropy
Comprehensive evaluation of your body. Pain management. Naturally simulate biomedical changes

Laser and Winback Therapy
The term Laser is the acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission
of Radiation.

Kinesio Taping
Athletes often make use of taping as a protective mechanism in the presence of an existing injury.