Meet Julie and Certificates

Julie Zapata has a personal and holistic approach, which she has developed over her professional PT career since year 2000. She has done extensive training, in Myofascial Release, Functional Manual Therapy and with the Postural Restoration Institute. She is devoted to learning and refreshing her skills, and goes all over the country to seek out advanced training. Julie is also trained in Pilates and rehab-certified through the Stott school in Toronto, ON.
Julie especially loves working with her hands. And finds Myofascial release, which focuses on the connective tissue, to be really effective, fun, and creates long lasting results. Functional Manual therapy tends to be more active, but not traditional. Julie was born in New Jersey and has her Master’s Degree in PT from Rutgers University (formerly UMDNJ). She lives in Hudson Heights, with her loves (including her husband and 2 British shorthair cats.)